High Speed 4-Channel Analog Input Board with 125Ms 16-bit ADC for PCIe Bus Advantech PCIE-1840
Price and avalability
Partnumber | Description | Price VAT incl | Avalability |
PCIE-1840-AE | Плата введення-виведення Advantech PCIE-1840, 4-ch, 125MS/s Digitizer PCIE Card | 244 850,0 | |
PCIE-1840L-AE | Високошвидкісна плата з 4-x канальним 16 бітним аналого-цифровим перетворювачем Advantech PCIE-1840L, 4-ch, 80MS/s Digitizer PCIE Card | 161 734,0 |
Main features of Advantech PCIE-1840 high-speed ADC board
- 125 million samples per second - 125Ms / S, up to 500Ms / S when using a single channel
- 4 16-bit ADCs with sample rates up to 125 MHz
- 4 analog inputs with programmable input impedance
- AC / DC decoupler
- Built-in 2M FIFO buffer
- Programmable startup circuit and input signal range
- Interruptions management
- Easy installation - '' Plug and play ''
Comes with instructions or software for Windows (CD)