
Economical industrial panel computer with 12" Advantech TPC-1250H touch screen on Intel Atom N270.

Price and avalability

Partnumber Description Price VAT incl Avalability
TPC-1250H-N2AE Панельний комп'ютер Advantech TPC-1250H 12" SVGA Touch Panel PC, Atom N270 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM  54 010,6 Доступно
TPC-1250H-N2BE Панельный компьютер 12" SVGA Touch Panel PC, Atom N270 1.6GHz, 2GB RAM  0,00 Не доступно к заказу

Low cost HMI solution

A panel computer Advantech TPC-1250H with a 12" touch screen and Intel Atom N270 processor with passive cooling and 1 GB of RAM (2 GB of RAM in the new version of the TPC-1250H-N2BE).
Economical HMI terminal for industrial automation. It is enough to add a CompactFlash memory card with an operating system and a fully working computer is ready for operation.

Rugged panel computer for industrial automation

Due to the absence of moving parts, the TPC-1250H panel computer has high reliability and ensures operation in the most difficult and adverse conditions that are typical for industrial facilities. The monolithic front panel has IP65 protection and allows you to place the Advantech TPC-1250H panel computer directly in the workshop or in a manufactory with a high level of dust or moisture.

The perfect balance between capacity and price

Low-power HMI interface with passive cooling and IP65-protected front panel

Additional Information

● 12" LCD touch screen with a resolution of 800 x 600 (SVGA)
● Fanless Intel® Atom ™ N270 1.6 GHz Embedded Processor
● RAM 2 GB (1 GB in the previous version of the TPC-1250H-N2AE) DDR2 SDRAM is installed directly on the processor board of the computer
● A CompactFlash drive slot is provided for loading the OS
● Gigabit Ethernet Port (10/100/1000 Mb)
● 2 external USB 2.0 ports
● 2 serial RS-232 ports
● Ability to install an external 2.5" SATA hard drive
● Supported Embedded OS: Microsoft® Windows® 7 / XPE / WES, Windows CE 5.0 / 6.0 with Java Script, Linux with Firefox explorer and Java Script plugin

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